
This was a personal piece animated for the UIL Young Filmmaker's Festival in 2019. It won second runner-up in the Digital Animation division. The film is about mental illness and recovery, and about how one must strive for the betterment of their own mental health to truly get better.

Online Spaces

Online Spaces was animated for UT Austin and NYU's collaborative performance in the Metaverse, "Laugh Out Loud." It is an experimental film using only images of my own body as pieces of a carnival, symbolizing how we curate our own spaces online, yet outside forces such as advertisements and pressure to expand our digital footprint can infect the environment in which we seek to express ourselves.

Marblizing Austin

Marblizing Austin is an animated art installation for the screen of the company Gensler, in Austin, Texas. This is a preview of the animated piece at work. It represents Austin's diverse population through marbled paint. The colors do not necessarily blend, representing the fact that despite the diversity in Austin, one can keep their individuality.

Hip to be Square

A rotoscoped piece from the movie American Psycho (2000).

Pale Machine - Lyric Video

My very first kinetic type video. The lips were created in Photoshop using solely the shape tool, and animated using the puppet tool in Adobe After Effects. The song is Pale Machine by bo en.

Between My Mind

This was a concept for a story I had been writing about a character who suffers from Dissociative Identity Disorder. I wanted to toy with the concept through animated music videos, in which stories are more implied than explicitly told.

Orpheus and Eurydice

An interactive animation on the story of Orpheus and Eurydice, using This is a choose-your-own-adventure in which there would only be one ending, to emphasize fate over free will in Orpheus' story.